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Behind The Scenes (Trips Out)
Our group organises day or half day visits to places of interest locally and within the South West. We run about six trips a year which in the past have included Britannia Royal Naval College in Dartmouth, Shepton Mallet Prison, Taunton Racecourse, plus distilleries, a vineyard, cider farm, a glass blower’s studio and many more.
We arrange coaches for longer trips but for more local ones members make their own travel arrangements.
IMPORTANT Information
Behind the Scenes visits are open to all Culm Valley u3a members and the details of each trip are announced in advance at our monthly meetings and in our Newsletter and names are taken on a first come first served basis.
Days & Times
At least 6 trips throughout the year
If you are interested in joining a particular visit/trip please click the button below to email the CVu3a Groups Co-ordinator

Upcoming Events
- Wed, 02 Apr02 Apr 2025, 10:30 – 15:00Norman Lockyer Observatory, Salcombe Hill, Sidmouth EX10 0NY, UK£10per person Visit includes introductory talk, planetarium, historic telescopes and meteor tracking equipment.= A group pub lunch is being considered afterwards for those who want - tbc Self drive or car share
- Thu, 03 Apr
- 07 Apr 2025, 13:30 – 16:30Willand Village Hall Club Room, Willand Village Hall, Gables Rd, Willand, Cullompton EX15 2PL, UKA group for members who mainly use coloured pencils to create art. Whether you use oil or wax based coloured pencils you are welcome to join us as we learn, support encourage and create art together.
- Fri, 11 AprLive for Today, Plan for Tomorrow - Final Session - Help and support available for you and your family. /Willand Health & Community Centre
- Thu, 01 May
- Thu, 08 May08 May 2025, 09:30 – 15:30Paignton Zoo, Totnes Rd, Paignton TQ4 7EU, UK£38per person including coach Full day visit to include half day use of function room with free teas/coffees. 20 minute talk from zoo's conservation team. 30 minute guided talk around part of site (to include Orangutan enclosure and another species group) Rest of day at leisure around the zoo.
- Thu, 05 Jun
- Wed, 18 JunBehind The Scenes - World Horse Welfare Rescue Centre and Glastonbury /World Horse Welfare Rescue Centre18 Jun 2025, 09:30 – 16:00World Horse Welfare Rescue Centre, A372, Somerton TA11 7LA, UKMorning visit by coach to WHW Glenda Spooner Farm, Somerset to include- Tea/coffee on arrival at 10.45am Introductory talk about the work of the Rescue Centre and how it rehabilitates and rehomes rescued horses and ponies.
- Thu, 03 Jul03 Jul 2025, 13:30 – 16:00Willand Village Hall, Hall, Gables Rd, Willand, Cullompton EX15 2PL, UKWe are at the forefront of the research into the fight against cancer and other life-threatening diseases, including Parkinson’s disease and bacterial infections. Our Bio Detection Dogs are trained to find the odour of those diseases in samples such as urine, breath and sweat.
- Fri, 11 Jul
- Thu, 07 AugMonthly Meeting - My Life as a Production Designer in Theatre & TV - Lynda Kettle /Willand Village Hall
- Tue, 02 Sept02 Sept 2025, 11:00 – 16:30Abergavenny, Abergavenny NP7, UK£27 per person Arrive at Abergavenny by 11.00am. 2 hours free time in Abergavenny, Depart by 1pm to arrive at Royal Mint Experience, S Wales at 2.00pm. Guided factory tour - Interactive tour of Mint Museum (including bespoke museum talk from guide)
- Tue, 04 Nov04 Nov 2025, 10:30 – 14:30Exeter Energy Recovery Facility , Grace Rd S, Marsh Barton, Exeter EX2 8QE, UKA repeat visit for another 20 members to see how this Energy from Waste plant diverts our non-recyclable waste from landfill and contributes to Devon's successful recycling statistics as the second highest council in the country. There is no charge for this visit
- Thu, 06 Nov
- Thu, 04 Dec04 Dec 2025, 13:30 – 16:00Willand Village Hall, Hall, Gables Rd, Willand, Cullompton EX15 2PL, UKA comedy magician. Basically, if all the tricks work that’s the magic, but if they fail spectacularly, that’s the comedy. The main aim of his show is to keep the audience laughing, and when the moments of sheer impossibility and amazement come, it hits the audience right between the eyes!
- Fri, 28 MarLive for Today, Plan for Tomorrow - Fifth Session - Registering a Death and who else needs telling? /Willand Health & Community Centre
- Fri, 14 MarLive for Today, Plan for Tomorrow - Fourth Session - Planning your funeral or thanksgiving event, and options . /Willand Health & Community Centre
- Thu, 06 Mar
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